realises ideas, intentions, and visions of artists. It creates professional conditions for the work of theatre artists, dancers, performers, and visual artists in the Czech Republic working across a variety of artforms. It finds totally new sources and support for artists` innovative, courageous and inspiring projects.
It provides them with a complex administrative framework during the creation process. It produces the ongoing activities of theatre groups Boca Loca LAB and Handa Gote, and also organizes projects of other independent artists.
The key aim of our work is to co-operate closely with artists in order to ensure the provision of adequate time, space and resources. Our long-term objective is to stabilize conditions for the creative work of independent artistic groups in the Czech Republic.
The production unit was established in 2007 on the basis of a long-term production co-operation between Cavina and Kalivodová. is supported by the City of Prague and the Ministry of Culture in the Czech Republic. took over the administration of the existing association Jeden hrnec o.s, under which name it previously produced for example the theatre company Krepsko, gradually changing its name to To 2008 it also undertook administration of the association B4 o.s, which covered the activities of the companies Handa Gote and B4. In the future, it wants to change its status of association to o.p.s. For many practical and economic reasons, this dynamic and efficient association administers the activity and realises projects of several theatre and artistic groups under one name. Furthermore, it considers the artificial maintenance of many associations for individual projects, often created primarily to meet the requirements of the grant application procedure, to be „unecological."
The activity of is supported by grants from the City of Prague and the Czech Ministery of Culture.
Europeans /orig. Evropané/
Ticks ticks politics /orig. Tiká Tiká Politika /
Click for the video /orig. Klikněte na video/
Blaze /orig. Požár/
The Twelve Merciful /orig. Dvanáct Milosrdných/
Four Three Two One /orig. Čtyři tři dva jedna/
Say Something /orig. Řekni něco/
Metal music
Mr. Roman /orig. Pan Roman/
Rain dance
Mushrooms /orig. Houby/
Handa Gote Festivals 2009, 2010 and 2012
Clouds /orig. Mraky/
Deep Forest /orig. Prales/
The rite of spring
Sapphire head
Mutus Liber
Intruder /orig. Vetřelec/
Jednotní v rozmanitosti (Adámek, Procházka)
Easy tOlk (Antena)
Wait Wait Wait (Synková, Arenbergerova, Steyaert)
Cargo (Sofia, Bukurest)
What She Does (Cristina Maldonado)
Stranger Gets a Gift (Cristina Maldonado)
Sayat Nova(Cristina Maldonado)
Tonttu (Pasi Mäkelä)
Federsel & Mäkelä
In 1997, she left the realm of film production to work in the theatre sphere, thanks to Ctibor Turba. From 1997 to 1998 she co-operated with Ctibor Turba in the newly-opened Alfred ve dvoře Theatre, then later in the Experimental Space Roxy NoD. She was continuously involved in the organization of many projects of independent artists. In 2001, together with Daniela Voráčková (Stage Code), she co-founded the association MOTUS and restored the activities of Alfred ve dvoře Theatre, where she worked as a production manager until 2007.
Together with Denisa Václavová (4 Days in Motion), she co-initiated and founded the project Nová síť / New web (2003.) The activities of MOTUS association were awarded the ...Next Wave... festival prize for the "production accomplishment of the year 2004". The prize was awared to MOTUS for the conception of the Alfred ve dvoře Theatre as a stage for new theatre, for the New Web project and for the production of the performance Mezzo (Second Hand Woman).
In 2007 she returned to a form of closer co-operation with artists by founding
Since 2000 she has been continuously co-operating with independent theatre groups. She has been responsible for the organization of projects of Victorie Čermáková, Jiří Adámek, Krepsko and many others. She has worked at Komedie Theatre and at Alfred ve dvoře Theatre. In 2010, she completed studies for the masters degree course in "theatre production" at the Prague Academy of Performing Arts. In her degree work entitled, „Administrative support" she focused on the theme of production/administrative support for independent /experimental theatre groups and individual artists. For example the London organisation ARTSADMIN demonstrates a wide range of forms which the provision of this support can take.