Something between electronic repair workshop and an eccentric party in former Eastern Germany´s research institute. Something between an extraterrestrial bar band and a lethargic videogame. Half way between scrapheap of the past and juiceless rubbish of modern times. Something between profanation of a cult machine and a tear shed over the imperfection of its beginnings.
A Guide for the Seeker of True Colours. The second part of the trilogy BODY & TECHNOLOGY focuses mailnly on wok with interactive video.
A multiple screening of uncovered amateur films without sound or commentary, accompanied with live music. A journey back in time to the hypnotising rhythm of music and the flickering of old projectors. A tribute to all the forgotten fates of those who will never become celebrities. Fragments of someone else´s lives which are so similar to ours.
The third edition of the festival by Handa Gote: Still-life. The festival takes place throughout November 2012 in the theaters Alfred ve dvoře and Archa, in café V lese and in the private club Ferenc Futurista in Černošice. Handa Gote present their favorite Czech and foreign, theater and music creators.
Selection of marginal genres at Studio Alta - Holešovice Prague 7 from 13th to 15th May 2010_ In all cases, these are projects which for ease may be called alternative; totally and unequivocally aimed at a minority audience, and perhaps it is appropriate to add that all are connected by a kind of bloody-mindedness, with which they remain outwith any kind of trend whatsoever.
First Handa Gote festival took place in MeetFactory in Prague. 3 days of Expanded Cinema, Noise and Engineering Theatre with a special guest from Russia - AKHE.
Noise and private records. The first part of the trilogy BODY AND TECHNOLOGY (Silence, Noise, Red Green Blue), which is concerned with an interactive dancer and different forms of technique (sound, video, lighting, music). Noise connects sound and light installations with dance.
I find extasy in living. A concert as the paradox of loneliness and the desire to share on the stage. A concert as a contrast of introverted topics and extrovert form.
What mushroom? What leaf? Mushroom as a fascinating form of life somewhere between plant and animal. Mushroom picking as a Czech cultural ritual, in which, reportedly, up to eighty percent of the population across all social strata participate. Mushroom - an inspiration to artists. Mushroom - the catalyst of decay and growth. Mushroom as a magical symbol.
An absurd dark grotesque jointing the clichés of entertainment industry and the growing scepticism of the Western culture where neither the rambling demons of the ancient, neither the contemporary people know what to do with themselves.
Waiting is the hardest part. Postapocalyptic picnic by a dried-up lake. Waiting has become habitual. The time of change has passed, but even the failed attempt is valid.